MnDOT plans to have Hwy 75 & 200 intersection open on 8/26/19
The City of Halstad is undergoing many street improvement projects this summer. This map will give direction for local traffic to get around. The first phase of our street improvements have started and we will be starting the road overlay late August. We realize traffic will be diverted for the next week with the city street work happening. Zavoral Contracting has removed some of the valley gutters (cemented area between curb corners) at street crossings and will be replacing them August 15, 2019. The new concrete gutters are expected to be closed to vehicle traffic for one week after they are installed.
All area businesses are open during construction season.
The map above represents the open streets and we have tried to show the road closed intersections.
Construction updates will be available at
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we improve our city streets.
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