The Community of Halstad has planned and developed strategies over many decades to ensure the community is a welcoming and fun place to live and visit. From the first rate Sanford health care network, to the world class telecommunication service, Halstad is a small community with big city luxuries. If a slower pace of life is more your style, you may enjoy the walking path, exercising and pickleball at the Landmark, events at the LRC or visit the boat landing for your immediate access to fishing the mighty Red River of the North.
Our community’s amenities include both our people and our facilities. Our city’s two new parks would not be what they are without the volunteer hours from our local residents. Hearing the kids laughing and the families enjoying time together is enough to know it was definitely worth the wait!
Whether you’re considering a visit or a lifetime stay, we invite you to discover all that makes us proud of our community.
Things to Do
Halstad has many recreational opportunities to keep your body healthy and your mind happy. If you are looking for world class fishing, drive down to the Halstad Landing on the Red River to catch yourself a 25 pound catfish, take your vintage snowmobile for a cruise on the river, or join in a game of kittenball – on ice! We have something for everyone, with quiet parks, basketball courts, a multi-use trail, and much more!
Where to Stay
The Sunrise Apartments offer fully furnished apartments for rental for a night or extended stay. Please contact Halstad Municipal Utilities at 218-456-2128 to make a reservation.