Food Truck Tuesday

Vibrant Salon 109 3rd St W, Halstad, MN, United States

Food Truck Tuesday

Vibrant Salon 109 3rd St W, Halstad, MN, United States

Food Truck Tuesday

Vibrant Salon 109 3rd St W, Halstad, MN, United States

Halstad City Council Meeting

Halstad Telephone Company Meeting Room 345 2nd Ave W, Halstad, MN, United States

Click here to view the meeting agenda

Food Truck Tuesday

Vibrant Salon 109 3rd St W, Halstad, MN, United States

Food Truck Tuesday

Vibrant Salon 109 3rd St W, Halstad, MN, United States

Norman County Fair

Norman County Fairgrounds 601 Thorpe Ave W, Ada, MN, United States

Food Truck Tuesday

Vibrant Salon 109 3rd St W, Halstad, MN, United States

Postponed Halstad City Council Meeting

Halstad Telephone Company Meeting Room 345 2nd Ave W, Halstad, MN, United States

Click here to view the meeting agenda

Landmark, located in Halstad, Minnesota was formerly the Norman County West High School.  The mission of Landmark is to promote community and advance the self-sufficiency of residents of all ages in a state-of-the-art Community Education, Fitness and Recreation Center.