Adopt a Garden

Adopt a Garden


Let’s pull together and help make Halstad smile!  We have 7 landscaping spots along Highway 75 that are available for adoption to be cared for throughout the growing season.  Our goal is to have these places looking their best before the end of June.  Once each site is cultivated, the city will add mulch and keep them watered.  These plant species were selected for their thrivability along the highway but they need our help.  Bring a smile to Halstad!  Sign up as an individual, family or small business below or by calling Alli at 218-456-2128 and then stop by Halstad Municipal Utilities and pick up safety vests.  Thank you!


Available spots:


  1. 5th Street and Highway 75 (southwest corner) – Smooth Hydrangea and Northwind SwitchgrassAdopted
  2. 5th Street and Highway 75 (northwest corner) – Little Bluestem
  3. 5th Street and Highway 75 (southeast corner, near Agronomy Center) – Little BluestemAdopted
  4. 5th Street and Highway 75 (northeast corner, near Library) – Little BluestemAdopted
  5. Highway 200 and Highway 75 (southwest corner, near the beet) – Little Bluestem
  6. Highway 200 and Highway 75 (northwest corner) – Little BluestemAdopted
  7. 1st Street and Highway 75 (southeast corner, near Berg Auction) – Bumalda Spirea, Northwind Switchgrass, Smooth Hydrangea – Adopted



Landmark, located in Halstad, Minnesota was formerly the Norman County West High School.  The mission of Landmark is to promote community and advance the self-sufficiency of residents of all ages in a state-of-the-art Community Education, Fitness and Recreation Center.